SABC TV ran an ad campaign urging viewers to ‘get behind’ the Springboks; clever visuals with all sorts of people get involved in the scrum. Millions of people lent their support, but on the day that counted, the Boks were beaten by a stronger team in spite of a huge effort. And there was nothing the spectators could do about it. Ultimately it’s up to the players, not the spectators.
Are you a player or a spectator in South African life? We have millions of Christians occupying the pews in the beleaguered country of ours. We all have much to be grateful for here in South Africa, but we also know that there are many ills, ranging from simple inefficiency to mayhem & murder. Why are the millions of people that ‘get behind’ Christianity not making a difference? Could it be that too many have opted to be spectators instead of players?
Being a Christian involves a state of being as well as a state of doing – we are in Christ and we follow him. We don’t have the ‘spectator’ option. If we are not actively being Christ-like and making a difference where we live and work, then our Christianity is questionable. Not many of us have the opportunity or the calling to do great things for God, but we do have to ask ourselves if we are faithful in the little things we have been given to do.
You may not have the resources to open an orphanage, but are you the best parent you can be to the children you have been given? When others watch how you treat your children, do they know that you are different and wish to do likewise? Do we stand for Christ at home, at work, at school, at leisure? If we simply look on when things are not quite right, thinking “it’s none of my business” or “what difference can I make?”, then we are being the spectator instead of the player.
Many of us have read many of the good books available at our stores. Has what we have read changed us and resulted in our having an impact on those around us? How futile to spend so much money on books and then simply watch the world go by till we die. We have to ask if we have been good stewards of these and all the other resources that the Lord has given us.
Rugby is just a game and, win or lose, the Boks entertained the spectators. But life is not a game and we are not entertaining anyone. If we are Christians, we are serious players, earnestly seeking to live life with purpose, bringing glory to God in all the little things of life. And when we are active players, obedient to Christ, we know a joy that far surpasses a Springbok win!
Having said all that, I find it very hard to do anything in this October heat! The little things seem like big things. May the Lord help us to be faithful no matter the circumstances.
NEW DVD: We now have the Indoctrination DVD available – R85. The motive behind the making of this DVD is to get parents to think about the physical, emotional, moral and spiritual safety of their children in the school system. While this DVD features the American school system, parents in S.A. also need to ask if their children’s schools are religiously neutral.
Vir ons Afrikaanse klante: ons het ‘n klein verskeidenheid Afrikaanse boek. God se Wil in my Lewe deur Nico van der Walt (sagteband; R126) is vir Afrikaners geskrywe, maar ons het ook ‘n paar boeke wat vertaal is, bv.Die Heerlikheid van Christus deur John Owen (R72) of Die Vallei van Gebed (R63).
Daar is ook ‘n groot voorraad Lewensbelangrike Vrae deur John Blanchard beskibaar teen R10 elk. Al ons Afrikaanse boek is by Augustine beskikbaar.